What is the most useful branch of math?

Mathematics is a very useful subject in the world today due to the fact that math can be found everywhere around the world. But which branch is most useful in the real world? What benefits does each branch have? What jobs do these branches correspond to?

First, we have to decide our so-called “branches” of math. So, where to start? There are many topics to cover up and a lot is needed to be included in these branches. First, let’s make geometry as a branch due to the fact that it separates itself and has a completely different view of the math world as a whole. Statistics is another one of those subjects. Finally, let’s split algebra to fill in the numbers part of math. So our three branches are algebra, statistics, and geometry.

Algebra can help you calculate different variables given conditions and this is a foundation of many of the other branches that we have, Algebra can be found everywhere around the world and is used as an everyday math topic. This branch is like the root of the tree: it is the foundation for the harder subjects in math, like calculus and statistics.

Geometry is a different kind of math that focuses on not the numbers, but rather, shapes and how different figures correspond with one another. This branch is useful in architecture and engineering. Geometry is like the part just above the roots: all harder subjects are easier to “grow” into your mind with geometry.

Finally, statistics focuses on the raw data, and usually branches off of algebra. Statistics can measure many kinds of data, making it a useful part of life for everyday people. Statistics, or stats for short, is used by statisticians, Excel masters, and everybody in general.

So, which is the most useful? In my opinion, it has to be statistics for me. For it to help so many people building their presentation for persuasion, data is high up there in good evidence pieces. Maybe other people will think differently, but I’ll leave you with this: what is the most useful thing you have ever been taught in school?

What is the most useful branch of math?

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